Une petite histoire du Gallois Ecossais in English!

Que ce soit par curiosité, en préparation de vacances en Ecosse ou pour améliorer votre anglais: Eleanor nous eclairera le lundi 24 janiver, veille de Burns Night!

Ever wondered where Gaelic came from?
What the difference is between Gaelic and Irish?
What were the Highland Clearances and why are there people speaking Gaelic in Canada and Australia?
Find the answers to all of these, and more, at this one-off session on the history of this much misunderstood indigenous language of Scotland!

Nombre de places limité
Inscription nécessaire sur le site www.eclecticminds.co.uk
→ Purchase a Discovery Pack or use your Eclectic Minds credits if you have some
→ Click on the event on 24/01
→ Book, view, proceed and place order: 4 clicks and done!
(any issue: get in touch!)

Le lien vous sera envoyé dans la journee du 24 janvier!
See you there!

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