Offre de stage à Londres Marketing, communication, vente

Durée : 1-3 mois

Lieu : Le Supermaché, 35 Craven Rd, London W2 3BX (Paddington)

Le Supermarché ( est situé dans un quartier des plus prisés de Londres. L’entreprise familiale est un point de vente principalement alimentaire ou l’on trouve également de nombreux services comme la livraison, le gardiennage de clefs et de bagages ainsi que d’autres services.

Nous sommes à la recherche d’un(e) stagiaire pour les missions suivantes :

  • Missions

  • Développer l’activité commerciale

  • Rechercher de nouveaux prospects

  • Communication de l’entreprise à travers les réseaux et la presses.

  • Développer le référencement de l’entreprise et de renforcer sa notoriété

  • Enrichir le site internet

  • Profils

  • Capable de travailler efficacement de manière autonome

  • Bonne connaissance des réseaux sociaux

  • Excellente capacité rédactionnelle

  • Créatif, Rigoureux(se), organisé(e) et ouvert d’esprit

  • Bonne maitrise de l’anglais

De formation supérieure, vous souhaitez réaliser un stage de courte/longue durée sur des missions enrichissantes et valorisantes dans le domaine du marketing, de la vente et de la communication.

  • Pas de rémunération
  • 40h/semaine (lundi-vendredi ; week-end sont libres)
  • Avantages : déjeunés offert et réduction sur tout le magasin

Cv et lettre de motivation en français ainsi qu’en anglais

Comment nous contacter ?

par message privé

4 « J'aime »

Bonjour @Europafood_xb , je m’appelle Maëlla. Actuellement en bts commerce international et pour validé mon année je dois effectuer un stage dans un pays étranger, j’aimerais beaucoup l’effectuer au Royaume-Uni. Votre offre de stage m’intéresse énormément ! Si le stage est toujours d’actualité pouvez vous me contacter le plus rapidement possible.

Merci d’avance !


We have got now Operation Assistant position left. Please, can you email your CV by private message

Hello @Europafood_xb
I have just finished my first term of my second year of Business Management at the University Catholic of Lille and I am applicating for an internship of a length of three months starting May 2019.

I have had the opportunity to do many retail internships un some impressive business during summer.
Following my studies at university, I am feeling inclined to go towards working in Management or Marketing but more specifically towards sectors with a high potential like agri-food

Is the job still available ?

Hello @Europafood_xb,
I am a student in a Business School and I am currently looking for an internship and I would like to know if your offer is still available. Is it possible to work from May to July?
Best Regard.

Hi, no sorry we are fully booked. Now we have got a place only for August

Okay, no problem, thanks anyway.

Hello @Europafood_xb , your internship offer interest me, I would like to know if this internship is possible from early September to early December?

Thank you for your response.

Yours faithfully,
Olivier Martin

Hi @OlivierM, yes it is possible. Please, can you kindly send us your CV

Bonjour @Europafood_xb

Je me présente, je suis Mlle YANSARÉ Hanatou, je suis actuellement en première année de BTS Communication.

Pour ma deuxième année je dois effectuer un stage de 7 semaines dans le commercial, du 4 novembre au 20 décembre 2019, afin de valider certaines compétences pour valider mon BTS. Durant ces 7 semaines de stage je dois vendre des espaces publicitaires, prospecter, rechercher des partenaires,…

Votre entreprise m’intéresse fortement, et je me demandais si vous preniez des stagiaires afin de vous proposez ma candidature et de vous faire part des compétences que je dois effectuer.

En espérant une réponse de votre part, mes sincères salutations.



my name is YANSARÉ Hanatou, I’m studying communication in France.

For my studies I have to do an intership in a communication company from october 21th to 21th december 2019, and that is why I am sending you this e-mail .

I would like to know if you would be interested in hiring an intern from France, because your company interests me a lot.

Thank you

Hi @Hanatou_Yansare,

Thank you for your interest. What are the tasks you would like to cover? What kind of communication or marketing are you looking for ?

1 « J'aime »

Hello @Europafood_xb ,
I’m Wasila, I’m a student at Audencia Business School in Nantes. I’m really interested by your internship offer. Actually, I’m searching for an 6-8 week internship from the 5th of July to the 31st of August.

Dear Sir, Madam,

I am currently enrolled in a three-year post-A-level course specialized in foreign Languages applied to International Business at the University of Le Mans in France. A 3 months internship in an English-speaking firm in a foreign country is a compulsory part of my third year curriculum and I would be grateful if you would consider my application for a placement in your company.

Due to the demands of my course, this placement would have to take place February 23th 2020. A formal agreement would be signed between my school and your firm outlining our respective tasks and duties. In fact, my main goal during this placement is to discover more and to apply my knowledge in marketing and communication . As part of the final exam, I have to make an oral and written report on the tasks and activities I carry out during this work placement.

I consider myself as a very motivated and determined person. I speak French and Arabic fluently and have a good working knowledge of Spanish and English. I have studied the various aspects of international trade so I already have some knowledge of foreign markets. Also, my current job as a multipurpose employee teaches me to be more responsible and to work as a team.

I look forward to hearing from you and remain at your disposal for any further information you may require.

What would you like to do during your stay ?What exact tasks you would like to cover ?

1 « J'aime »

Hi @Europafood_xb , thanks for your answer.
While tasks vary depending on the field i would like to participate in marketing strategy meetings, post social media statuses, contribute to ad campaign ideas, study customer engagement, and perform office administration duties.

Je suis Ines, étudiante en L3 information-communication à Paris 13 et je cherche actuellement un stage à Londres dans mon domaine à partir de début avril jusqu’à fin mai.
Votre offre de stage m’intéresse beaucoup, je sais pertinemment que je saurais faire le travail demandé, que je serais compétente et que ma contribution sera bénéfique à l’entreprise.
Etes-vous intéressé ?

Bonjour @Europafood_xb

je m’appel Thomas Le Pleux, je suis actuellement en 2 ème année d’école de commerce. Votre offre correspond bien aux stages que je recherche, qui doit ce dérouler de Mars à Juillet, que doit-je faire pour vous transmettre mon Cv ainsi que m’a lettre de motivation ?


Thomas Le Pleux

Thank you for your message. How long would you like to come for >?

We have got already 54 students coming for this period. May - June

We have got a vacancy after June

Hi @Thomas_Le_Pleux,

thank you for your message. We have got already 6 students for this period. We have got a vacancy after July this year

Well I have to do it in april until june